Tuesday, February 18, 2020

5 Data-Driven Math Websites For Students

When I commencement started teaching, I was nervous almost technology. Let's endure real- nosotros didn't direct hold engineering scientific discipline inwards our classrooms when nosotros were students. (Unless yous count the TV on a cart in addition to the projector amongst transparencies.) It terrified me to allow a kid liberate on the Internet or on an iPad. What if they got off task? What if they saw or did something inappropriate? I had lots of excuses. But when it truly came downward to it, I was scared because I didn't know what I was doing.

Fast frontwards 5 years in addition to I silent don't know what I am doing- but I am existence brave almost embracing technology! I direct hold discovered the ability of using engineering scientific discipline amongst students! It is engaging to them! But I don't desire to only purpose engineering scientific discipline for the sake of using it. I desire to purpose engineering scientific discipline to assist my students to dear learning in addition to direct hold steps towards coming together their academic goals. I knew that I didn't only desire my kids to purpose engineering scientific discipline to play games. I needed them to endure using applications that furnish differentiated lessons in addition to information thus that their needs were best existence met. And lucky for me- at that topographic point are several AMAZING websites that direct hold my 3rd graders engaged AND furnish the information that I demand equally an educator. Let me portion 5 of my favorite data-driven websites for math. (I am non affiliated amongst whatever of these sites in addition to I am alone offering my opinions in addition to experiences later on using each site amongst my students.)

XtraMath is an amazing site for practicing those dreaded math facts. The site does non furnish lessons on fact strategies, thus this is a site that is best suited for the educatee who is laid to operate on speed in addition to mastery. The site includes all 4 operations, thus it tin flame endure used inwards whatever degree in addition to for whatever flat of student.

When the educatee commencement logs in, they volition endure given a math fact diagnostic test. I dear that the educatee is shown the results. The exam determines facts that the educatee has already mastered (shown inwards green), facts that the educatee got right but was a picayune deadening (shown yellow) in addition to the facts that the educatee missed (shown inwards red). The educatee volition in addition to thus do races in addition to diverse activities that focus inwards on the exact facts they demand do with. When a educatee masters 1 operation, they volition endure moved to the next. Students are working at their ain measuring in addition to on their ain level.

The instructor tin flame log inwards in addition to reckon precisely which days the educatee practiced, their progress over time, a pct score in addition to a coloring coded nautical chart of facts the educatee is working on. Parents tin flame reckon this information equally well!

This computer program is rattling convenient inwards the classroom or equally a homework assignment. The daily do alone takes 5-10 minutes. If yous log inwards your classroom iPad or computer, in addition to thus when 1 educatee finished, they tin flame reckon which educatee is adjacent inwards job on a listing in addition to acquire laid out their peer. Perfect for centers because the instructor does non direct hold to organize the rotation.
Front Row is a gratuitous site for teachers. You tin flame add together your students in addition to they tin flame consummate both reading in addition to math lessons. The math lessons are broken upwards yesteryear domain. Students volition operate through the lessons at their ain pace. What I dear most almost the lessons is that at that topographic point is a video push that students tin flame click if they acquire stuck on a problem. Students similar using Front Row because they earn coins for right answers. This motivates students to truly seek their best! My students also similar that non all of the questions are multiple choice. Some involve sorting in addition to other require the educatee to type inwards the answer.

As a teacher, I LOVE the reports that Front Row provides. I tin flame easily reckon how much fourth dimension my students pass on their lessons, their pct in addition to how they are progressing through each domain. I am a rattling visual person, thus I dear the graphs!

i-Ready is a paid site. It is an outstanding computer program that tin flame endure used for  differentiated teaching inwards both reading in addition to math. I am lucky plenty that my schoolhouse has purchased the computer program for our entire school. You mightiness desire to enquire your principal or PTN to consider purchasing. i-Ready does require flash thus it cannot endure done on the iPad. (Although, my ain children say me that at that topographic point are apps that assist yous to acquire only about this exceptional problem.)

When students commencement log in, they volition direct hold a diagnostic test. Warning! The diagnostic exam is LONG! I propose setting aside some fourth dimension on 3-4 unlike days to avoid burnout. They do throw inwards some games  during the testing that also assist amongst the burnout. After students consummate he diagnostic testing, the instructor tin flame log inwards in addition to acquire a rattling detailed study on each student. The study is broken downward yesteryear domains in addition to tells teachers precisely which degree flat the educatee is performing inwards for each area. I purpose these results to assist cast my guided math in addition to reading groups!

After the diagnostic testing is complete, students volition start taking their lessons. Each educatee has their ain lesson computer program based on their needs. Some students volition endure doing lessons at a lower degree level, some on degree flat in addition to some above. Each lesson includes instruction, do in addition to a quiz. The instructor tin flame log inwards in addition to reckon how long students direct hold been on task, how many lessons were attempted, how many lessons were passed in addition to the percentages. This information is broken downward yesteryear domain in addition to yous tin flame endure seen for the degree equally a whole in addition to for each specific student.

For the most part, I allow my kids operate on their personal lesson plan. I similar that they are working on a science that THEY need. Sometimes, however, I volition assign a lesson to a grouping or to the entire degree that correlates amongst what nosotros are learning inwards class. After students direct hold completed the lesson, I tin flame acquire inwards in addition to acquire their score in addition to purpose it on study cards!

Throughout the twelvemonth students are given mini tests that assist determine if they are on target to encounter their goals. They volition direct hold the diagnostic testing over again at the halt of the twelvemonth thus that yous tin flame document their growth.

Zearn is a website that was designed to acquire along amongst the Engage NY or Eureka Math curriculum. If yous purpose either of these programs, in addition to thus yous MUST purpose Zearn. Even if yous do non purpose the curriculum, I mean value yous should banking concern check out the site to reckon if it would compliment what yous are using. It is heavily influenced yesteryear Singapore Math in addition to focuses on multiple strategies in addition to seat out sense. At this time, the site is alone available for 2nd-4th grade. It is a FREE site.

This site is non a differentiated computer program similar the others that I direct hold mentioned. Students operate at their ain pace, but every educatee volition have the same lessons. The lessons agree the lessons that I am teaching from my curriculum. They include videos, do problems in addition to the sprints. My students absolutely LOVE the sprints on this site. (For those of yous who are non familiar amongst this curriculum, sprints are a pattern based math fact program.)

I purpose this computer program equally an action during my guided math centers. Other teachers are using this computer program equally intervention for struggling students. If a educatee does poorly on a homework assignment or test, I tin flame assign them specific lessons on Zearn for a reteach. Another alternative is to purpose this computer program to flip your math class. You tin flame direct hold students consummate the video in addition to lesson at domicile the nighttime before. Then, inwards class, yous tin flame do the homework sheets or do amongst manipulatives.

The instructor information on this computer program is a picayune to a greater extent than limited. I tin flame reckon which lessons each educatee has completed.

Exit Ticket is a site that I direct hold alone lately discovered. The yell of the site drew me inwards right away because I LOVE using acquire out tickets to guide my teaching in addition to reteach. I dear acquire out tickets, but keeping runway of the information has ever been a weakness for me. Exit Ticket is a educatee response system. I tin flame assign a curt acquire out ticket to my students. They log inwards in addition to reply the questions (multiple choice, truthful imitation or gratuitous response). It is straightaway graded in addition to the information is sent to me. I tin flame reckon who has taken the acquire out ticket, what their score was in addition to which questions they missed. It is coloring coded in addition to slowly to read.

This information makes it a slice of cake to create my guided math groups or reteach lessons. It also helps me to create upwards one's heed if the pacing of my lessons is on target.

There is also a educatee portal where they tin flame reckon their progress. I mean value this is a proficient tool for motivating your students.

I promise these give yous some fun novel ideas for embracing engineering scientific discipline inwards your class!

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